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Top 3 Do’s and Don’ts Of Executive On-Boarding

You have spent countless hours and money to get a great candidate for your executive leadership team.  The next important task for you as per the hiring process to get this candidate on-board. However great the candidate is, if you put them into a completely new situation with no transition, it’s hard to put those talents to work.  An effective Executive on-boarding program makes the transition for new executives smoother, more efficient, and more positive, and allows new executives to transition quickly and effectively into their new roles.

In fact a great on-boarding experience can play a critical role in ensuring a rewarding and long-term partnership between the executives and the employers. Here it is important to mention that ensuring a great on-boarding experience is a multi-faceted process and depends on a wide range of organizational factors. It is the awareness of this fact that leads the hiring organizations to seek the services of companies offering professional executive on-boarding services.

Here are some of the do’s and don’ts for an executive on-boarding program that would ensures a smooth transition into the team and helps new CxOs be as effective as possible when they start their new role

The Do’s

As mentioned before an exceptional executive on-boarding experience can prove beneficial to the hiring organization in various ways. It can not only help on enhancing the employee brand but also drive engagement, increase productivity and boost retention. However, in order to exploit these benefits it is important to take the following steps.

Ensure Proper Training Of New Talent

Every organization is different and hence needs to make sure that its new executives are well informed about the ways things are done. For this they need to have a proper training program in-place which will provide the newest members of the workforce a clear understanding of the work environment and culture of their new company. It helps them to gain a better understanding of the best ways in which they can use their skills and expertise to enhance organization growth.

Invest In Customised On-Boarding Programs

Just like companies, no two individuals are alike, even if they share the same professional background and expertise. That is why it is advisable for the employing organizations to invest time and effort in developing customized on-boarding programs for every new executive. Opting for the one-size-fits-all method generally does not prove as effective besides which it might not cover all the ob-boarding aspects as applicable to specific executives.

Ensure Effective Communication And Seek Feedback

Effective communication and regular feedback are the two most important aspects of every successful on-boarding program. The employers need to be sure that they are available to clarify any doubts and queries that the new executives might have. At the same time they also need to be good listeners and show an interest in the views and opinions of these executives, even if they might not agree with them. It is also essential to seek feedback from the new recruits about their on-boarding experience so that any gaps can be filled well in time

The Don’ts

 There are several things that can make result in making even the best on-boarding programs unsuccessful. To prevent this from happening, it is important for the hiring organizations to avoid the common on-boarding mistakes listed below.

Wait Till The Day Of Joining

 Most organizations commit the mistake of waiting till the day of joining of the executives to initiate the on-boarding program. This according to the retained executive search firms can prove to be a critical error as it will elongate the learning curve and make the executives feel disconnected on their first day of work.

Leaving The Allotment Of Workspace Till The Last

Once the recruitment of an executive has been confirmed, the organization should work towards setting up a dedicated workspace for them. Leaving the task undone till the very end can make the new executives feel disappointed and even rejected.

Failure To Establish Expectations

 The recruitment team should make sure that the new executives are made well aware of what is expected of them during the on-boarding program. Failure to do so can lead to a downfall on the performance of the executives.


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